IRU Discharge
It is important to think about discharge plans from the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit even before a patient is admitted. Families should identify people who can provide support (care, supervision, housekeeping, etc.) if necessary when a patient is discharged.
Although everyone is hopeful of significant improvements after a stay in IRU, alternative arrangements need to be considered in the event that a patient does not make enough improvements to return to their prior living situation. Alternative arrangements that may need to be considered are moving in with a friend or relative; having a friend or relative live with the patient; or considering moving to a different home, assisted living facility, or nursing home.
Discharge from the Rehabilitation Program
Discharge plans are initiated on the day of admission to the Rehabilitation Unit. The patient support systems are identified and the discharge disposition as well as an alternative discharge plan will be reviewed at the patient’s first Rehabilitation team conference.
Patients will be discharged from the rehabilitation program when the following occurs:
- The patient has achieved his/her stated Rehabilitation goals
- An intensive, interdisciplinary treatment program is no longer required and further progress toward established rehabilitation goals can be achieved in a less intensive setting
- Additional functional improvement is not anticipated
- The patient’s functional status has not changed as documented in team conferences
- Medical complications preclude an intensive rehabilitation effort
- During a trial evaluation period, the patient does not exhibit the functional improvement that can be achieved within a reasonable amount of time
- The patient refuses to participate in an intensive inpatient rehabilitation program
To make a referral please fax to 906.629.6512 or contact a clinical liaison at 906.235.7165. If you do not receive a return call within 24 hours please contact the nursing desk at 906.449.3800.